Saturday, August 8, 2009


So I don't know if I told you all about the president of Xanterra coming to the Inn. It was a while ago - last week I think... And anyway, there was our normal two sous chefs on duty then, plus Chef Freida (our normal chef), plus Chef Mike who trained us, the step above Chef Frieda, PLUS Chef Chapman, the overall chef for Yellowstone, PLUS almost every front of house manager... UGH! I made him a BLT. You have a billion dollars, you come all this way, and he got a BLT (along with whatever else he got)... Said it was nice, or whatever, I can't remember. Chef Frieda came up to me (I had the BLT up already) and told me to use it for a different order and remake the BLT cuz the rest of the order wont be up for a few minutes. Was kinda funny.

Anyway, I obviously don't really care that much. The main point of this is that A) I fed the president of Xanterra a BLT, and B) I don't want to work Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The President is scheduled to come Friday. Not Xanterra, THE PRESIDENT. Obama. For those who are fans, good for you. For those who aren't, good for you. It's not about that. It's that President Obama is coming to the OFI, and inevitably going to eat lunch or dinner in the dining room. Now, I just listed all the EXTRA people who were there for the President of Xanterra. Imagine all the extra people in the kitchen if the President is going to be there?! All of the normal, plus extra staff "in case", plus the extra Chefs, PLUS - and here's the best - Secret Service?! I mean, inevitably they will be there to make sure no one kills, poisons, etc our President. I don't want these people swarming the kitchen. I don't want to deal with that. I hope he comes to the dining room for dinner - not lunch, so I don't deal with much of it.

I mean, I guess it'd be cool - a new experience, something to add to my list of stories and perhaps even sneak into an interview or something. But all those people.... People being EXTRA stupid because "oh my God, the President!"... ugh. I'll end up working Friday and Saturday, but I have Sunday off (unless they don't give it to me "just in case")... We'll see. I'll tell you how it turns out.

Meanwhile, it's my FRIDAY! Dinner sucked, but I went to the deli with Ken and we walked and talked and such. It was fun. I like talking to intelligent people. Unfortunately, he is going to Asia next summer so I can't visit him on my roadtrip. After that he's thinking about going to Grand Canyon to work, so maybe I'll see him there. He's nice, and smart. Yay.

Anyway, I'm done. I'm gonna read and relax. I still want to wake up tomorrow for breakfast to have my eggs (and not scarf them in five minutes) and such, so sleep tonight. Talk at y'all later.

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