So go figure, having posted the six days blog just what... Yesterday? I'd already have so much to say. More than enough has already happened.
I don't know if it's on the news at all... On one hand it's close enough to the Old Faithful area - and therefore people - to have been, but on the other hand it kind of is just another fire in a national park. There have been not even 20 all season, which makes it a light fire season. Which really just means there is a ton of dry underbrush accumulated. It hasn't been raining for a long while too. Cold, sure, but very little precipitation.
It started four days ago, lightning strike. Lightning means natural means they don't fight it. If it's natural they have a "let it burn" policy. It smoldered one day and popped up three days ago. Last I checked - last night - it was roughly 20 miles from the Old Faithful area. People anticipate that they're going to want to keep this area from getting burned if it gets close enough. Primarily the historic OFI. I believe that, but I know if it gets to that point I'll already be gone. If the fire gets within 10 miles of here we evacuate. It was at 20 last night. oThe problem is that forest fires move fast. Too fast. They already fought it a little - and hard - to prevent it from getting to power lines. We all know how fast and scary fires are through power lines. And yes, even out here we have them. They even had to use helicopter drops, from what I heard. And my source got her info from the park Rangers themselves.
The other problem is that forest fires are a little unpredictable. It could just as easily already be heading away... I myself don't know. I don't know anything more recent than 8ish last night.
And here's why!!
My other even was a friend of mine getting so drunk he almost tried to jump out of his second story window. Another friend pulled him back in and while Drunk Boy slept it off, three of us stayed with him ALL night to make sure he was ok. I didn't HAVE to be there but I was so concerned and I wasn't going to ditch any of them, you know? The other two had to be there, the only way the Park Rangers weren't going to take him to jail was if someone stayed with him. And if they took him in, we knew it wouldn't be the small one in our area - it would be the big on in Mammoth. And every employee knows once you're in the Mammoth jail, you're fired. You're gone. So basically those two saved his life and his job. I know I was just there for the ride. But you know, I think it wouldn't've been the same had I bailed. I'm glad I was there...
So yes, lots of events. We stayed up with him until 6 this morning when we dragged him to breakfast. At that point I came home and slept until noon, and those two went to thier rooms, one with Drunk Boy. I don't know what happened after that. He's fine though and I know he made it in to work on time. After all that there's NO way he didn't go in.
Later today - once I am done with this and my second 'breakfast' I'm going to start packing and cleaning. Half for going home, and half just in case they evacuate...
I was almost nervous all last night that it could speed that close to us overnight. I mean, I know it could - a firefire moving ten miles in HOURS. No big deal. That's why we evacuate within 10 miles. I was nervous that it would, and I wouldn't be here so I wouldn't be able to pack or whatever.
But all is well now. At least for a while. And my practicle side says it won't get close enough and my last six days will pass without much excitement. You know me - I have a tendency to go in and go out with very little pomp and circumstance. All well.
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.
This blog has EVOLVED! Started out a summer blog for a summer job that happened to be awesome. Happened to pave the way for my new lifestyle. One of a seasonal nomad. I want to share my experiences and thoughts, to show a life a bit outside the box.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Today is my Friday. Two days of weekend, three days of work, one last day off.... and I'm on a plane! The second of October I'm on a plane... the fourth of October I'm in PDX.
Crystal, because she's amazing, is willing to pick me up despite the late hour of arrival. By the fifth of October at the LATEST I will be home in K-town!
It's so strange to think about. THREE more work days, people. Three more 7 to 4 breakfast/lunch shifts. Six more days in Yellowstone, sleeping in this dorm, living with these people from all over the world. Literally. Dora from Slovakia, Katina from Russia, German and C.C. from Argentina, Oana I think is also from Slovakia, people from all over the states... Vlad from... I can't remember where Vlad is from, but it's outside the states. All our girls from Taiwan, China, Thailand, and several other Asian countries. I'm so sad - all our girls are gone but a few, and soon Sway leaves too...
It'll be sad not to live with such amazingly different people anymore. Not to have such a strong mix of cultures.
But life goes on. And it's not like there aren't SEVERAL good things about coming home. Home cooked meals, cooking for myself, family, old friends, Mrs Baker, being back on my old 'turf' as it were. Yeah, mixed blessing type o thing I suppose.
Oh, so here's something interesting. One of my warehouse friends was telling me today that girls in Asia he talks to knew about me. It's possible I know them... But he finally said it's because of this blog. So Hello people that are Ken's friends. I'm glad that this is evidently worth reading. That actually is really cool.
Anyway. I don't really have much worth talking about today. I simply find myself excited to be coming home so soon, and slightly... surprised by the soon-ness of it. I almost never thought it would come. So yes, that's my blog and my reason. I'm not sure how much longer this particular blog will go on, but if ever I go elsewhere - duh - I'll continue it. Heck, I might start a new one as of my night in the hotel in Bozeman waiting for the next morning to bring my plane in... For my time at home with work, all my small travels, my road trip. Or maybe I won't, and I won't start one until my roadtrip. I don't know. We'll see, but I think the end of this particular saga is almost at a close. Six days from it, in fact.
Wow. I'm glad I have documentation for this adventure. Whomevers idea this was- Crystal I think- Good idea. I'm glad I have this now.
Now off to shower and get some of Heather's dessert special. Fresh made pound cake, topped with a raspberry/blackberry compote, and finally fresh whipped cream. Mmmmmm.
Crystal, because she's amazing, is willing to pick me up despite the late hour of arrival. By the fifth of October at the LATEST I will be home in K-town!
It's so strange to think about. THREE more work days, people. Three more 7 to 4 breakfast/lunch shifts. Six more days in Yellowstone, sleeping in this dorm, living with these people from all over the world. Literally. Dora from Slovakia, Katina from Russia, German and C.C. from Argentina, Oana I think is also from Slovakia, people from all over the states... Vlad from... I can't remember where Vlad is from, but it's outside the states. All our girls from Taiwan, China, Thailand, and several other Asian countries. I'm so sad - all our girls are gone but a few, and soon Sway leaves too...
It'll be sad not to live with such amazingly different people anymore. Not to have such a strong mix of cultures.
But life goes on. And it's not like there aren't SEVERAL good things about coming home. Home cooked meals, cooking for myself, family, old friends, Mrs Baker, being back on my old 'turf' as it were. Yeah, mixed blessing type o thing I suppose.
Oh, so here's something interesting. One of my warehouse friends was telling me today that girls in Asia he talks to knew about me. It's possible I know them... But he finally said it's because of this blog. So Hello people that are Ken's friends. I'm glad that this is evidently worth reading. That actually is really cool.
Anyway. I don't really have much worth talking about today. I simply find myself excited to be coming home so soon, and slightly... surprised by the soon-ness of it. I almost never thought it would come. So yes, that's my blog and my reason. I'm not sure how much longer this particular blog will go on, but if ever I go elsewhere - duh - I'll continue it. Heck, I might start a new one as of my night in the hotel in Bozeman waiting for the next morning to bring my plane in... For my time at home with work, all my small travels, my road trip. Or maybe I won't, and I won't start one until my roadtrip. I don't know. We'll see, but I think the end of this particular saga is almost at a close. Six days from it, in fact.
Wow. I'm glad I have documentation for this adventure. Whomevers idea this was- Crystal I think- Good idea. I'm glad I have this now.
Now off to shower and get some of Heather's dessert special. Fresh made pound cake, topped with a raspberry/blackberry compote, and finally fresh whipped cream. Mmmmmm.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
And the countdown begins!!
Well, the countdown began about four weeks ago... But there are only TEN days left of my contract!! WOW! Then three days with Michael, and home by the fifth! Can you believe it?! I'll be back home in ten days!! It's insane! It's impossible! It's inconceivable! (and yes, I know what that word means ^_^)
It's scary wonderful strange to think about. It didn't even OCCUR to me until Michael mentioned it. It feels like I've been here FOREVER.
Heather and I have been talking about it... And Jesse's "three lies"... And as much as we complain (and we DO complain you just don't get much of it), this place is pretty wonderful, and Xanterra isn't SUPER terrible, and this place is kind of home. Even if the people do change, some stay the same and the place is still the place. We're probably coming back. Nothing set in stone, obviously. But yeah...
If nothing else we're certainly going to miss this place. And I'm coming back to visit. Oh yes.
The one downside is that the pay sucks. Talking to this guy in West Yellowsonte who works and a tourist t-shirt shop he told us that he only works there during the season like we do... and that the worst part of working in the park is the conditions. Most places in West - apparently - provide better housing (appartment style, not dorm/EDR style), and even DQ starts thier employees at 8 something or 9 something an hour (I can't remember which exactly)... I don't know what they're like to work for, true, nor do I know if he's telling the truth... but it's something to think about. And we already knew Xanterra pays peanuts. That's why if/when I work for Xanterra again I'm NOT signing on as KitCrew. I KNOW I can be a cook or even a supervisor. Especially if I go back to the OFI with Jessica next year. (Jessica being our F&B manager)
Anyway, the point is - TEN DAYS OF CONTRACT! WOOO!!
And fifteen days max before I'm home! WOOOOOOO!!!
I can't wait to be home and see you all again.
I'm already excitd to see where I'll be next. Keep moving on, doing new things.
Well, the countdown began about four weeks ago... But there are only TEN days left of my contract!! WOW! Then three days with Michael, and home by the fifth! Can you believe it?! I'll be back home in ten days!! It's insane! It's impossible! It's inconceivable! (and yes, I know what that word means ^_^)
It's scary wonderful strange to think about. It didn't even OCCUR to me until Michael mentioned it. It feels like I've been here FOREVER.
Heather and I have been talking about it... And Jesse's "three lies"... And as much as we complain (and we DO complain you just don't get much of it), this place is pretty wonderful, and Xanterra isn't SUPER terrible, and this place is kind of home. Even if the people do change, some stay the same and the place is still the place. We're probably coming back. Nothing set in stone, obviously. But yeah...
If nothing else we're certainly going to miss this place. And I'm coming back to visit. Oh yes.
The one downside is that the pay sucks. Talking to this guy in West Yellowsonte who works and a tourist t-shirt shop he told us that he only works there during the season like we do... and that the worst part of working in the park is the conditions. Most places in West - apparently - provide better housing (appartment style, not dorm/EDR style), and even DQ starts thier employees at 8 something or 9 something an hour (I can't remember which exactly)... I don't know what they're like to work for, true, nor do I know if he's telling the truth... but it's something to think about. And we already knew Xanterra pays peanuts. That's why if/when I work for Xanterra again I'm NOT signing on as KitCrew. I KNOW I can be a cook or even a supervisor. Especially if I go back to the OFI with Jessica next year. (Jessica being our F&B manager)
Anyway, the point is - TEN DAYS OF CONTRACT! WOOO!!
And fifteen days max before I'm home! WOOOOOOO!!!
I can't wait to be home and see you all again.
I'm already excitd to see where I'll be next. Keep moving on, doing new things.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
No More Roommate...
Yes, tis true. My roommate, Leah, left today. I'm super happy to have my own room and be able to do whatever I want, listen to music whenever I want, not worry about people coming through.. But after ALL season having one roommate or another, and her for the last two months... I'm kind of sad to not have the super-adorable super-sweet Asian girls come through anymore. It'll be a little...odd almost having my own room for once. I sincerely doubt they'll give me one for the rest of the season - all three weeks of it. I myself have two weeks as of tomorrow until I leave here.... and two weeks and three days until I'm home. I can't wait for either of those things. But at the same time I'm sad to be leaving here... End of season is always a time of mixed emotions, or so I'm told. And experiencing! You want to be happy for people leaving and congradulate them on getting out, but it's depressing to see them go. You look foreward to your own leaving, but you're sad to leave these people and this place that has become your home.
For a lot of poeple it's extra-scary because a lot of people don't have a real "home" to go back to, and don't know what they're going to do for the winter season. But since we all now have Xanterra experience and are in thier files, as much as we complain we can always come back to this new "home".
Jesse and Adam, two of my favorite servers and FAVORITE Tennessee boys, came up with the "Three Lies of Yellowstone"
1) I love you
2) I'm not drinking tonight
3) I'm not coming back next season
I want to get it on a shirt or something. It's perfect and true! For all you out there concerned, no I don't drink here. Federal offense for a yellow to drink here on federal grounds. Yellow, by the way, is colour of the under-aged employees IDs. But for MOST yellows and pretty much ALL blues (overage), drinking is a nightly or bi-nightly experience. It's understandable. It's the easiest way to loosen up here. You can't go to town really cuz it's a three hour drive to town and a 45 minute drive just to West (small tourist town JUST outside Yelllowstone called West Yellowstone), those that work dinner get OUT around 11 or midnight so NOTHING is open, you're too hyped up to go immediatly to sleep... You need to loosen up. You have the employee put which is boring unless you are drunk, buy beer and get drunk (they only serve beer during the summer season)... Or you could have baught hard alcohol at the general store and get drunk in the dorms (your room or someone elses) and party. And trust me, you simple HAVE to loosen up and wind down at the end of the day of work. I put on music, shower, and relax with a book. We al know I don't wind-down by partying though. And on weekends I get OUT if at all possible.
That's how no one really has THAT much money to leave with. You spend it trying to get away from work. Us at Laurel Dorm live thirty freaking SECONDS away from our work for crying aloud! Going to Bozeman is three hour drive - gas money, lunch and dinner money, possible hotel money, entertainment money. If you stay, there's alcohol or eating-out money (going to SnowLodge or the Fountain is also a way to loosen up). The only way to save mone really is to not loosen up, and that is to drive yourself insane. All jobs you need release from,but especially F&B in a Tourist Trap.
Anyway... what was I talking about? Oh the three lies. Yes, "I'm not drinking tonight" hehehe
And I love you. Hollow wherever you go, but especially here in what could be called "hook-up land"
And I'm not coming back next season!! HAHAHA!!! No one WANTS to, everyone probably WILL. Sad, huh? I probably will. I know that.
It kinda depends though - Cheryl, my most favoritest of Sous Chefs... I might go where she goes, depending where she goes. But I might come back here in hopes of getting Gregs job (Pantry Supervisor) or being a cook or something. I know Greg is in the apprenticeship program and he's on his last year next year, which means he'll be a Sous Chef next year... which leaves his spot open. And Oh My!! If Greg was a Sous Chef at the Inn, and I Pantry Super there that would be freaking AMAZING! But we'll see, of course.
I'm making NO hard and fast decisions about next summer or next winter. Not this time 'round.
Anyway! Sorry this is kind of a rambling blog. I feel great today though! Yesterday I collapsed right after work and slept all day. Today I feel great! And Saturday I'm gonna go to Bozeman with Heather so she can get her notebook laptop at Costco. Oh - I gotsa Costco card now, on Heather's account. ^_^
So Yes, I will stop rambling, I will go and take my shower and go do stuff! ^_^
Bye y'all.
For a lot of poeple it's extra-scary because a lot of people don't have a real "home" to go back to, and don't know what they're going to do for the winter season. But since we all now have Xanterra experience and are in thier files, as much as we complain we can always come back to this new "home".
Jesse and Adam, two of my favorite servers and FAVORITE Tennessee boys, came up with the "Three Lies of Yellowstone"
1) I love you
2) I'm not drinking tonight
3) I'm not coming back next season
I want to get it on a shirt or something. It's perfect and true! For all you out there concerned, no I don't drink here. Federal offense for a yellow to drink here on federal grounds. Yellow, by the way, is colour of the under-aged employees IDs. But for MOST yellows and pretty much ALL blues (overage), drinking is a nightly or bi-nightly experience. It's understandable. It's the easiest way to loosen up here. You can't go to town really cuz it's a three hour drive to town and a 45 minute drive just to West (small tourist town JUST outside Yelllowstone called West Yellowstone), those that work dinner get OUT around 11 or midnight so NOTHING is open, you're too hyped up to go immediatly to sleep... You need to loosen up. You have the employee put which is boring unless you are drunk, buy beer and get drunk (they only serve beer during the summer season)... Or you could have baught hard alcohol at the general store and get drunk in the dorms (your room or someone elses) and party. And trust me, you simple HAVE to loosen up and wind down at the end of the day of work. I put on music, shower, and relax with a book. We al know I don't wind-down by partying though. And on weekends I get OUT if at all possible.
That's how no one really has THAT much money to leave with. You spend it trying to get away from work. Us at Laurel Dorm live thirty freaking SECONDS away from our work for crying aloud! Going to Bozeman is three hour drive - gas money, lunch and dinner money, possible hotel money, entertainment money. If you stay, there's alcohol or eating-out money (going to SnowLodge or the Fountain is also a way to loosen up). The only way to save mone really is to not loosen up, and that is to drive yourself insane. All jobs you need release from,but especially F&B in a Tourist Trap.
Anyway... what was I talking about? Oh the three lies. Yes, "I'm not drinking tonight" hehehe
And I love you. Hollow wherever you go, but especially here in what could be called "hook-up land"
And I'm not coming back next season!! HAHAHA!!! No one WANTS to, everyone probably WILL. Sad, huh? I probably will. I know that.
It kinda depends though - Cheryl, my most favoritest of Sous Chefs... I might go where she goes, depending where she goes. But I might come back here in hopes of getting Gregs job (Pantry Supervisor) or being a cook or something. I know Greg is in the apprenticeship program and he's on his last year next year, which means he'll be a Sous Chef next year... which leaves his spot open. And Oh My!! If Greg was a Sous Chef at the Inn, and I Pantry Super there that would be freaking AMAZING! But we'll see, of course.
I'm making NO hard and fast decisions about next summer or next winter. Not this time 'round.
Anyway! Sorry this is kind of a rambling blog. I feel great today though! Yesterday I collapsed right after work and slept all day. Today I feel great! And Saturday I'm gonna go to Bozeman with Heather so she can get her notebook laptop at Costco. Oh - I gotsa Costco card now, on Heather's account. ^_^
So Yes, I will stop rambling, I will go and take my shower and go do stuff! ^_^
Bye y'all.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Pictures... a few.
The Inn beginning of the season, still unoccupied...
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm coming home soon. Oh so soon! Heather, Marcus, and a few others as well as myself have decided when we get home we just want to sit on our butts for a week. Take time to not do anything.... I doubt it'll actually happen but it's a nice dream.
Since Marcus has been hanging out with Heather and I a lot, and we told him that Heather is coming home with me, Marcus kinda wants to come too. I think it'd be awesome if he could come along, but I doubt it. Limited - very limited - room. But it sucks cuz he has NO idea what he's going to do after this - and "after this" is only just under thirty days away for them!! He put in, apparently, an application for winter season, but there's only one Snow Lodge and so many hopeful employees... But I think next summer, if/when Heather and I go off to a new seasonal place, we'll collaborate and he'll come with. :D I hope.
Truly Marcus, Heather, and I have attached ourselves to each other I think. Like all of us have our other friends here, and we don't spend EVERY day with one another, but we've got a closer attachment than most friends, which is super-cool. ^_^
But before I come home, off to Michael! I'm so super excited to see a little bit of a new place - though not much, cabs are expensive and I wont be there long... And while I'm there... ^_^ I think I've managed to add the three images of what I'm thinking about for my tattoo across my foot. That's right - I've thought about it over and again and decided that I'm going through with it. Michael being there is not the reason, mainly just a good 'excuse'. We all know me - I kind of need an 'excuse' sometimes. So yeah, I like taking poles on this sort of thing. I think I'm gonna go with the fairy-winged clef at the bottom, because it's more ME than something flowery. Fantasy versus foliage - not really a fair fight, is it?

ALSO! Now that I've figured out how to get this miserable internet connection to upload pics I'll try to put more up.
Since Marcus has been hanging out with Heather and I a lot, and we told him that Heather is coming home with me, Marcus kinda wants to come too. I think it'd be awesome if he could come along, but I doubt it. Limited - very limited - room. But it sucks cuz he has NO idea what he's going to do after this - and "after this" is only just under thirty days away for them!! He put in, apparently, an application for winter season, but there's only one Snow Lodge and so many hopeful employees... But I think next summer, if/when Heather and I go off to a new seasonal place, we'll collaborate and he'll come with. :D I hope.
Truly Marcus, Heather, and I have attached ourselves to each other I think. Like all of us have our other friends here, and we don't spend EVERY day with one another, but we've got a closer attachment than most friends, which is super-cool. ^_^
But before I come home, off to Michael! I'm so super excited to see a little bit of a new place - though not much, cabs are expensive and I wont be there long... And while I'm there... ^_^ I think I've managed to add the three images of what I'm thinking about for my tattoo across my foot. That's right - I've thought about it over and again and decided that I'm going through with it. Michael being there is not the reason, mainly just a good 'excuse'. We all know me - I kind of need an 'excuse' sometimes. So yeah, I like taking poles on this sort of thing. I think I'm gonna go with the fairy-winged clef at the bottom, because it's more ME than something flowery. Fantasy versus foliage - not really a fair fight, is it?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sounding board time!
I suppose you're my bouncing off board right now. And the idea of actually getting feedback is what makes this workable! Yay.
The more Michael talks about his new tattoo ideas, and the ones he's GOING to get, and this that and the other... details, but things that are actually going to happen. The more he talks, the more he encourages the part of me that wants to get one myself. The trick is that it has to be meaningful. I refuse to get something that doesn't matter. That narrows it down considerably. Music, books, cooking, and theatre are the only things that matter enough to get a tattoo over. Maybe not books, that would be a little odd, even to me. But I been thinking about music. That's been a HUGE part of my life forever. Choir is just a considerable tip on a below-the-surface iceberg. So I been thinking of and looking at pics of music related tattoos. And where to put it even. If I got one it'd probably be on my foot, one foot or the other. Probably the right foot. THat way, see, it wouldn't interfere with any job I got because it can be easily covered. And I can show it off as I want, it's not something I have to specifically show people because it can't be done casually and it's not something I HAVE to show everyone cuz there's no hiding it. See??
Granted, I've heard that the foot is the most painful area to get a tattoo, but pain doesn't bother me. I just got a hole punched through cartalidge in my ear, remember? I walked on a broken foot for an entire evening when I was younger, remember? It don't bother me.
And I think it would be awesome for both Michael and I to get a tattoo together. He wasn't here for my peircing and Iwasn't there for his first tattoo... I think it'd be cool for us to get one together.
So I don't know if I'm giong to yet, I've still got a month to think bout it for this opening, and then forever to think about it for any other time. I'm liking the idea though, a lot.
My biggest.... not worry... My biggest cause to think is that I'm so outside the herd lately. I'm all for blaizing my own trail, but those that know me best also know it makes me nervous, I don't know if I'll do something wrong. I know there's a line with tattoos as with everything. It can be done tastefully or it can be done horribly and gone overboard with and be way over any line. I have confidence that my choices would be good ones and that I wouldn't do something awful with myself permanently. But the idea of doing something so far off the beaten path for the Wilson clan scares me slightly. It seems that all I've been doing lately. But then - no two of us took the same path did we? Maybe I'm just worrying too much over nothing.
I KNOW it's permanent, I KNOW it's painful, and I KNOW that thirty years I may look back and go "idiot!"... But I think if I use best judgement I won't have that last problem, and I'm ok with the first two.
I think I'm trying to talk myself into it. Into the "now to find the perfect pic" stage, past the "do I want to do this?" stage.... hmm...
The more Michael talks about his new tattoo ideas, and the ones he's GOING to get, and this that and the other... details, but things that are actually going to happen. The more he talks, the more he encourages the part of me that wants to get one myself. The trick is that it has to be meaningful. I refuse to get something that doesn't matter. That narrows it down considerably. Music, books, cooking, and theatre are the only things that matter enough to get a tattoo over. Maybe not books, that would be a little odd, even to me. But I been thinking about music. That's been a HUGE part of my life forever. Choir is just a considerable tip on a below-the-surface iceberg. So I been thinking of and looking at pics of music related tattoos. And where to put it even. If I got one it'd probably be on my foot, one foot or the other. Probably the right foot. THat way, see, it wouldn't interfere with any job I got because it can be easily covered. And I can show it off as I want, it's not something I have to specifically show people because it can't be done casually and it's not something I HAVE to show everyone cuz there's no hiding it. See??
Granted, I've heard that the foot is the most painful area to get a tattoo, but pain doesn't bother me. I just got a hole punched through cartalidge in my ear, remember? I walked on a broken foot for an entire evening when I was younger, remember? It don't bother me.
And I think it would be awesome for both Michael and I to get a tattoo together. He wasn't here for my peircing and Iwasn't there for his first tattoo... I think it'd be cool for us to get one together.
So I don't know if I'm giong to yet, I've still got a month to think bout it for this opening, and then forever to think about it for any other time. I'm liking the idea though, a lot.
My biggest.... not worry... My biggest cause to think is that I'm so outside the herd lately. I'm all for blaizing my own trail, but those that know me best also know it makes me nervous, I don't know if I'll do something wrong. I know there's a line with tattoos as with everything. It can be done tastefully or it can be done horribly and gone overboard with and be way over any line. I have confidence that my choices would be good ones and that I wouldn't do something awful with myself permanently. But the idea of doing something so far off the beaten path for the Wilson clan scares me slightly. It seems that all I've been doing lately. But then - no two of us took the same path did we? Maybe I'm just worrying too much over nothing.
I KNOW it's permanent, I KNOW it's painful, and I KNOW that thirty years I may look back and go "idiot!"... But I think if I use best judgement I won't have that last problem, and I'm ok with the first two.
I think I'm trying to talk myself into it. Into the "now to find the perfect pic" stage, past the "do I want to do this?" stage.... hmm...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Recognition rocks
Hey everyone! Guess what?!
So well, first off, today was rather depressing. A bunch of our Asian girls are leaving and for a bunch of them their last day was today. Sad. Like, people crying and lots of hugs and pictures and email exchanges and stuff. I’m not the type to cry - especially in public, but even I was thoroughly downed.
But life goes on, right? It has to. The restaurant continues to function and people just cycle through… sigh.
Meanwhile, I got a promotion! WOOT!
It's a small one, the one I'm sure you heard about before that Buddha and Lindsay got - Pantry Lead. Well, Buddha was our AM pantry lead and he's gone now. So Jessica told Greg I got the position! And Greg came up to me and was like "did you know? Yeah apparently you did, Jessica just told me" and stuff - like, we were both kinda confused. There was no pomp and circumstance, but I didn't expect that. Just that there was no confirmation or anything like that, no formal "you have the position" from anyone. All well!
It's not really a big change. Pantry Lead is supposed to keep people on track, make decisions when no one else is available or it's not a big enough deal to bother a Sous, know all about what goes on and etc rules and regs and stuff, stuff like that. So nothing is changing. I make snap decisions sometimes, I don't cry to Greg every time someone asks me a question. I know all about everything because I've been paying attention and WANT to know. And no one really needs kept on track. While I'm there Greg is almost always there and the buffet people. No one to yell at. It will be nice, though, for that add of authority while all these new people come streaming in and out and stuff. I AM the only original left other than Greg in the pantry, so I do know and I would feel jipped if I heard someone else got it. Like, I don't think that being here the longest gives me right to it, but I feel over that period of time I've earned it, ya know?
So really it's just a title and a small fifty cent-ish pay raise... but it'll also look great on my resume! And I just feel good, just knowing that these people think I deserved it. I guess it's one of those "recognition from your superiors" thing. Confidence boost - I really actually AM good at my job. I can do this. :D
So well, first off, today was rather depressing. A bunch of our Asian girls are leaving and for a bunch of them their last day was today. Sad. Like, people crying and lots of hugs and pictures and email exchanges and stuff. I’m not the type to cry - especially in public, but even I was thoroughly downed.
But life goes on, right? It has to. The restaurant continues to function and people just cycle through… sigh.
Meanwhile, I got a promotion! WOOT!
It's a small one, the one I'm sure you heard about before that Buddha and Lindsay got - Pantry Lead. Well, Buddha was our AM pantry lead and he's gone now. So Jessica told Greg I got the position! And Greg came up to me and was like "did you know? Yeah apparently you did, Jessica just told me" and stuff - like, we were both kinda confused. There was no pomp and circumstance, but I didn't expect that. Just that there was no confirmation or anything like that, no formal "you have the position" from anyone. All well!
It's not really a big change. Pantry Lead is supposed to keep people on track, make decisions when no one else is available or it's not a big enough deal to bother a Sous, know all about what goes on and etc rules and regs and stuff, stuff like that. So nothing is changing. I make snap decisions sometimes, I don't cry to Greg every time someone asks me a question. I know all about everything because I've been paying attention and WANT to know. And no one really needs kept on track. While I'm there Greg is almost always there and the buffet people. No one to yell at. It will be nice, though, for that add of authority while all these new people come streaming in and out and stuff. I AM the only original left other than Greg in the pantry, so I do know and I would feel jipped if I heard someone else got it. Like, I don't think that being here the longest gives me right to it, but I feel over that period of time I've earned it, ya know?
So really it's just a title and a small fifty cent-ish pay raise... but it'll also look great on my resume! And I just feel good, just knowing that these people think I deserved it. I guess it's one of those "recognition from your superiors" thing. Confidence boost - I really actually AM good at my job. I can do this. :D
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