Sunday, September 20, 2009


And the countdown begins!!
Well, the countdown began about four weeks ago... But there are only TEN days left of my contract!! WOW! Then three days with Michael, and home by the fifth! Can you believe it?! I'll be back home in ten days!! It's insane! It's impossible! It's inconceivable! (and yes, I know what that word means ^_^)
It's scary wonderful strange to think about. It didn't even OCCUR to me until Michael mentioned it. It feels like I've been here FOREVER.
Heather and I have been talking about it... And Jesse's "three lies"... And as much as we complain (and we DO complain you just don't get much of it), this place is pretty wonderful, and Xanterra isn't SUPER terrible, and this place is kind of home. Even if the people do change, some stay the same and the place is still the place. We're probably coming back. Nothing set in stone, obviously. But yeah...
If nothing else we're certainly going to miss this place. And I'm coming back to visit. Oh yes.
The one downside is that the pay sucks. Talking to this guy in West Yellowsonte who works and a tourist t-shirt shop he told us that he only works there during the season like we do... and that the worst part of working in the park is the conditions. Most places in West - apparently - provide better housing (appartment style, not dorm/EDR style), and even DQ starts thier employees at 8 something or 9 something an hour (I can't remember which exactly)... I don't know what they're like to work for, true, nor do I know if he's telling the truth... but it's something to think about. And we already knew Xanterra pays peanuts. That's why if/when I work for Xanterra again I'm NOT signing on as KitCrew. I KNOW I can be a cook or even a supervisor. Especially if I go back to the OFI with Jessica next year. (Jessica being our F&B manager)
Anyway, the point is - TEN DAYS OF CONTRACT! WOOO!!
And fifteen days max before I'm home! WOOOOOOO!!!
I can't wait to be home and see you all again.
I'm already excitd to see where I'll be next. Keep moving on, doing new things.

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