For the first time all season, I actually got out on time. Yay! I feel good today. Not overly tired, not completely wore the hell out. Is this what getting out on time feels like? Like I'm still a person and not a zombie? Wow. I would like this to continue. :)
I'm glad I brought my leather trench with me. It snowed - again - last night/this morning. The trench is great protection from the snow. Though oddly I don't find it terribly cold. Just...snowy. I would say my body is acclimating, but it probably does that every three hours. I live in a approx. 80 degree kitchen, go down for lunch and FREEZE! Like my body has massive twitchy-looking shivers. Then I go up to the kitchen for another three hours, come home and FREEZE! And yet the cold-enough-to-snow temp bothers me not. Odd.
So I accidentally dipped my thumb into boiling water today. That was fun. The pot was boiling over, so I grabbed a spoon to stir it (because often if you just stir it the level goes back down). While I was doing that however, I was also stirring my tofu curry, which had most of my attention. I paused stirring the overflowing pasta water and when I began stirring again my hand dipped right into the water. So my thumb is still red and achy. But whatever. It won't hurt tomorrow, I know. Neither will the other slight burn I accumulated today.
Kimmi was trying to whine about her small burn on her finger. "I burned myself!!" So I pushed my sleeves up my arms, showed my many burns (and blister-scabs) and went 'Okay' Her reply? "I'll kiss yours if you kiss mine" I ran. Back upstairs to the sanctuary of hell. I mean, of the kitchen.
Anyway. I'm gonna shower and then watch Fern Gully I think and then pass out - quiet night at home alone sounds SO good. :)
need gloves? that sounds waaayyy to cold.