Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Life, is what happens when you make plans.

I went for a drive tonight. I love going for random drives, enjoy the scenery, try not to get burned... At any rate, eventually I neared the familiar group of hot springs and geysers that you can see from the road that marks your proximity to the OF location. They've always looked to me like a battlefield, even when one is going off.
As I watched the steam rise, I had a completely unexpected thought out of nowhere.
"Well, this isn't where I expected life to take me"
Now, don't misinterpret my words. I love my life.
My life was "supposed" to pan out so differently. Right now, for instance, sitting here in bed writing this up, I theoretically 'should' be hours ahead - I can't remember the time difference just now - in Japan probably fast asleep. I was supposed to be looking for a job in Japan, preferably in food and bev, married to a Marine, settling into a new house/apartment.
Life, however, is what happens when such plans are made. Look at me now.
Broken up with my Marine fiance, still in Yellowstone, working in Food and Bev - and AS A MANAGER no less, happily in love with a man I never thought I'd get on with very well at all, lying in a dorm room typing this thought out.
Who could have possibly guessed? I don't think my life has taken any entirely unpredictable turns, but it certainly isn't where I thought I'd be. I feel quite young and think that this is a good place for me and that I have plenty of time to 'get out there' and get my diner and such. And I have more faith that it'll happen now than ever before.
It's just an interesting contemplation. For instance, anyone who is reading this, stop and take a moment. Perhaps your life HAS gone directly as planned. In which case, good for you. Or perhaps your life has taken a turn off your predetermined beaten path and you're out flying by the seat of your pants with your "plan" left to the wind. In which case, good for you. But nonetheless. Take a moment. Think back to the last time you remember having a "life plan" - going to college for something, getting married, making a big move in life, whatever. Go back to that and, I wonder, has it turned out like planned? Or is it better? Or is it worse?
Interesting contemplation, eh? If a more or less useless introspective moment....

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