I don't know that I've posted since I've come to OF! I'm terribly sorry for the extraordinarily long gap in life!
So.... I got promoted from EDR cook at Canyon, now I'm EDR Manager at Old Faithful Snow Lodge. I am not just Cat - I am THE Cat damnit! I love my job. Although I didn't always. The first few weeks I came close to quitting a good number of times. I've managed to resolve myself to aspects I cannot change even though I'm not terribly fond of, and to the aspects that I will be able to change when I'm there from the start. That's terribly important to me right now, I feel that if I had been here from the start things would be much different. And since I WILL be here from the start next summer things will be different. Better.
Now I've almost got my crew trained as I want them. I'm gaining the confidence to confront the small problems in life. I'm gaining confidence in that I KNOW my job and I am - or will be - good at it. I don't think I'm overly arrogant, just confident enough to be worth something. The AM Sous Chef upstairs told me today that I've rocked it out while I've been here. Things have improved, and he's noticed. I don't technically need his approval, but from one who does not suck up and does not bullshit, who is very straightforward, I took it as high compliment.
Now, with the end of the season and the winding down, I'm facing new challenges I hadn't before. I'm glad for the preparation. I see this all as training. I try to see everything as training. Training for tomorrow, for next season, for my own diner. For everything. The first weeks - had I quit, I would never have had my diner. I would never have had the confidence that I could lead ANY amount of people even in my own place to have an effective establishment. I know I can cook, I know people LOVE my food. But I have never fully had confidence in my ability as a boss. Had I quit, what I had mustered would have been shattered. I would never have even tried for my diner. Now I know I can. I am fully confident in my capabilities. Now I need to master the business aspect of it - or get one hell of a partner. And of course the money.
Ah, I'm rambling aren't I?
Anyway, back to my EDR. Everyone's an EDR critic. I know I've a long way to go. And I know that I can get there. But everyone's a critic. I've dealt with a few idiots who don't know the first thing about food manage to bring down my food, my dining room, my kitchen, all of it. And I get to fight them back. It's kind of nice for me. We all know I've great loyalty issues - once I attach to a group or a place (and the EDR is MY baby!) I'm fiercely loyal, and now I can actually be the person on the front lines between my people and these idiots. I like it.
I know which opinions matter. And to an extent I'm forced to admit that everyone's does. As long as they're being reasonable and half way smart. That's a surprisingly small number. Surprisingly. Small. Just because it's not "like Moms" or you think "you could do better" - not a valid argument my friend.
I find it amazing that I am the one teaching the cook. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I will never stop learning about food. That's one reason I LOVE cooking, you don't top out. But to be teaching others now? AMAZING. Kind of a confidence boost - that I'm trying not to let become arrogance - and kind of scary. People listening to me - luckily I'm right.
Oh - I've made bread and doughnuts. Doughnuts twice, Gram's mashed tato doughnuts. Everyone LOVES them! I times the recipe by six and make small doughnut holes, and they are gone in two hours flat! I set aside some if I want more than one or two as I'm frying. The bread I also timed by six. Also went with amazing speed. Shoot, the upstairs kitchen and my crew can eat half of either by themselves! It's very gratifying. My cook told me I could sell either. I told him one day I would.
I'm beginning to wonder about something though. I'm falling rather in love with baking and sweets - have been since this last winter (huh mom?)... I still love to cook, but coffee shop or bakery instead of diner? Probably not. But baked goods for SURE in my diner! I love playing in patisserie stuff. :D
Anyway. I'm half expecting a few guys over to watch Ferngully - neither have seen it and that's JUST sad! I was to help provide beer but I got to the gen store after it closed. Ah well.
I think that's life right now.... Fairly caught up. I'll try to add more soon.
Signing off,
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