The one they all come for. That's right folks - it's steam out of the ground!

Which is to say that that - as far as I can recall of course - is Old Faithful itself. Woo.

Home Sweet Home. Or... Home sweet Project Laurel Dorm...

Look at the moon!

Shelby. In a coon skin hat. Yes. I have a small collection ^_^

Bison. Literally reach your hand out of the car and touch the guy close. Yup.
You get used to it.

Elk. Close enough to walk up to and pet. Close enough that you need to tell the kids not to step in the poo while you're picnicing... Young though, just a few weeks after I got there.

Please don't step on poor Nick's little sports car?

Shelby again. That picture kind of sums up his entire personality too.

Nick. The one with the sports car... That pic sums up his personality as well.

Miss Lindsay in the coon skin cap (told you I had more)

Elsa. She's short, she's cute, and almost everyone loves her.

Elsa's other half - The Wes. No I'm not sure why Wes is THE Wes, but he is.

The Wes taking a pic of me taking a pic of him. Yup.

Elsa, Lindsay, and I went to a Japanese place... Hence the noodles.

Heather, the day we dyed our hair - so the ends aren't yet pink (thank God)

Me, the day we coloured our hair. I know - gorgeous. ^_^

Heather, not feeling well. Wanting her pain killers and Mountain Dew. I opened the little packets of pills - she couldn't do it.

Kitchen peoples. From the right: me, Gwen, Sheri, Greg, Sway. On the bottom - Heather. Greg was my supervisor. And we love him. And he's short as Elsa, I think.

Keith, through the window. He's on the hotline, I'm on the servers side.

Alliya. First roommate. Hostess. This is her after work, not wanting me to take her pic. I think she looks fine.

Andrew. Sous Chef. 1 of 3 of them. PM, so I barely worked with him. Still cool.

Mary Ann. Strange woman, but that's ok. Worked with me in Pantry. Was a buffett runner

Heather and a few of my Asian girls...

Sway and me
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