Hello again. This is, what, day four? I can hardly believe that I've been compelled to write daily. Maybe it's because I've been spending so much time reading. I'm unsure if I've expressed my thoughts of how I dislike this place and have a foreboding feeling and such. I'm sure I have, it's been consuming much of my off time. Yesterday, walking home from work - the whole one minute walk, I began berating myself verbally. It would have been an odd sight to witness, I'm sure. You see, I realized my problem. It has nothing to do with this place, these people, the fact that there are now ten people on location. It was just me, I had the issue. I was doing the one thing that drives me most nuts, I just simply wouldn't give this place a shot. Give it it's own fair chance before condemning it.
Today, then, I went to work with a fresh outlook and a legitimate smile. All in all, this place really isn't bad. It's fun being able to cook whatever I feel like. I grated potatoes so I could make hash browns - or stuffed hash browns! Just cuz I wanted to. I got Matt (my manager) to put yeast on the list of hopefully things to get so I could make bread. I'm cooking for ten people. Such small quantities make anything easy to make in the time allotted. I'm also cooking off simply what we have right now - which is a fun challenge for me. Matt mentioned he put Andouilli sausage on the 'hopeful' list, and I said "cool! Gumbo!" and he got enthusiastic for my idea and added frozen shrimp. It's kind of cool. Matt and Monika are the two I've been working with most, but I get along great with both of them and with Kelli.
The interesting thing I found today is that I seem to be an enigma to the rest - to the matinence crew. To everyone out there that knows me, I'm sure you know me as a loud personality, but you have to admit I have my quiet streaks - especially around those I don't know well. I am an introvert, and I can be quite shy. Chris would tell me that "it doesn't become me" and he may be right, but he's not here to coax me out of my shell. So, when they all sat around me at lunch, I didn't automatically join in their conversations necessarily. And, when there turned to be several long - comfortable, I thought - silences, I turned inward. I began to contemplate the rest of my day, the day tomorrow, things I needed to work, etc. I know my face gets either dreamy or serious when I do this, so I wasn't surprised when I caught the shared look and shrug amongst all four of the guys sitting next to me. I was rather amused by it. I don't mean to be an enigma, and I don't mean to. I don't try to be the odd man out, it's just how I work. They are all nice guys, I just have nothing to say. If they want to get to know me they can have a conversation with me, they can walk through the EDR and watch me sing to myself, I don't care. I don't know if they've written me off, but I'm sure I'll be a bit of a puzzle for a while. I don't mind - keeps 'em on their toes. :)
We all, after all, need something to keep us on our toes. It's good for us.
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