Today I am at the end of my weekend. Sitting propped up against the headboard of my bed alone for the first time in over 24 hours, I'm compelled to write. I have had no extraordinary experience to speak of, just great fun seeing old faces for the first time in months. Talking, joking, reminiscing, hugging, laughing. It was a good time. I stayed so long I had to stay the night as I didn't like the concept of driving back to Canyon after dark.
On my way home, alone with my car, my music, and my thoughts I suppose is when my contemplative mood kicked in. Thinking on all the things I heard this weekend. All the reasons people came, reasons people stayed.
I am not an outdoors man, I don't hike avidly. I don't take pictures and capture life frame by frame. I simply admire beauty. Therefore I am here. I came once and was caught by the beauty of just casually looking around. Just glancing up from one's book or meal or job or computer or cell phone one is instantly grabbed and captivated by beauty. Even once you "get used to it" at the very least it always makes you smile.
I am not a social butterfly, but I also don't lock myself in my room all the time. The people are enthralling. Whether it's the strange almost-instant comradarie amongst co-workers and friends or the common ground that brings everyone together and makes everyone get along at least moderately amongst tourists. Yellowstone is magic. I don't often "instantly click" with many people. And yet year after year here you become at LEAST part-time friends with so many people. This place allows and even prompts you for some reason to let people in and get a little close. It makes tourists, for all their general stupidity, generally come together and be nice to each other. They are all here in a basic celebration of the beauty they are surrounded by, and on some level they all accept that in that aspect they are all alike.
No matter which location you call home, no matter which company you work for here, no matter how long your stay is for all of us have such a huge (2.2 million acre, right?) common ground that all differences can be put aside, at least for the most part and at least for just a time. It's incredible.
There are so many reasons to come here. So many reasons to stay. And so much to take away with you when you decide to leave. So to all who have visited to work or to play - or both - good for you.
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