While I'm glad we know where we are going and the anxiety has gone down drastically now that we have a destination - I'm still antsy/anxious.
With five-ish weeks of work left and over a month before we get going, there's too much time. There's so much that still needs to come together, so much that could fall apart. That's one of the worst things about the lifestyle. It is, luckily, something that having an rv/motorhome will help alleviate and so by this time next year I will not be so anxious and stressed. But it's not this time next year yet. Chris is smoking more than usual. Due to the anxiety. I can't blame him, I would be too. My anxiousness manifests in stress and OCD and knotted shoulders. I would drink more, but luckily we don't have the drink to do so!
We've a lot planned out already. Nothing really is set in stone yet and that's what makes it hard. I will breathe easier when we have plane tickets bought. When we've got a hostel/hotel booked. When we have a few good CraigsList people willing to wait and see with us. We got the job, that's one thing off the checklist, but the list is a lot longer than that. It's not like looking for a job in your area, where you just have to figure a new route to work. Our route is a little.... intense in comparison.
The stress is a killer. I know some that the stress half kills the pre-trip excitement. It's not fun if you're so worried. For me it's half fun and half worry. I manage because I have faith in the universe. Somehow we'll make it work. Easy or hard, quickly coming together or dragging it's feet the entire way, we will make it work. The universe will not fail us so horribly.
Meanwhile, life is too short not to live it. No matter the temporary stress of right now, the ultimate adventure, the experiences we'll have are worth it without a doubt.
People ask me if we're coming back next winter. Nope, probably not. Well, why not? Always the response. Why not? Where will you go?
ANYWHERE is what I want to say. But instead.... Oh, Telluride maybe, there's a beautiful spot in Canada Chris showed me, or maybe back to Jackson Hole....
I went back to Yellowstone four summers running. I'm ready to move on and have new adventures. When you're ready to move on, why stop again? It's like getting your car goin' real good, like you're about to get on the interstate. You feel like you're flyin by.... Then you get on the interstate and it's stop-and-go Portland rush-hour style. Who wants that? Or finding out you have to turn back around.... No man, keep going. Keep moving forward. I think if I go back to Yellowstone it'll be for a visit. Tourist style.
Life is about moving forward. No one wants a dead-end job. You want to get promoted. People want to own their own business - which is always moving forward. Technology is always trying to move forward. Homemakers, raising kids IS moving forward. It's all about the future. What I'm sayin, what I'm doing, is not so unlike what everyone else is doing and saying in their own right. I take a different path, but we're all going in the same direction. Forward.
Granted, there are people with life on backward, but we won't talk about them. The rest of us, we're going places. We call it the future. Grown respectable kids, good job, own business, whatever your forward is. Whatever your bliss is. Chase it.
And that's the message of the day, I suppose. Keep moving forward. And good luck.
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