Friday, February 8, 2013

This weeks update....

Alright ladies and gentlemen, assuming that applies. As an update! I have heard word back from both Glacier National Park in Montana - and partly in Canada and Grand Teton Lodge Company in Wyoming. I realize as impatient as I am it's only the 8th and on the 2nd I heard word from Chicken, Alaska. Monday I plan to call a hotel on Macinac Island (pronounced Mack-in-ah) because a generic email was sent saying to call in for a phone interview. The top of my list is still Chicken, then Macinac, then Glacier and Tetons tie. However I kind of feel bad about that. Glacier has been trying to work out me and Chris to get us in there. He's been working with us so much that I will actually feel bad if we end up choosing someone else. Ultimately it depends on where we want to be and what we are offered. But still. Luckily for me, anywhere we end up will be absolutely and incredibly beautiful. One of the favorite things about what I do for a living. :D Meadows recently put out an employee survey. Tell us what you think about the season!! sure you wanna hear what I have to say? So I told 'em. Most of their problems would be solved if they had any kind of disciplinary system in place and STUCK TO IT. They have a lodge full of proverbial toddlers testing their boundaries and finding the only thing to stop them is a feeble verbal wrist slap. Well hell! It's not even a harsh verbal wrist slap. Of course that's not gonna stop a lodge of toddlers. Have you ever asked a toddler to refrain from doing something? How'd that work for you? And the tenth time?? Did it work then? Exactly. Take the toddler, spank her, and put her back in check. But oh no. I did see one action of payback. More payback than discipline though. One girl called out to go to a concert. She was found out. You know what management did? To this HIGH SCHOOL GIRL?? They didn't schedule her to work this coming weekend. Oh yeah, lets discipline someone who didn't want to come in by NOT LETTING THEM COME IN! A high school girl with maybe MAYBE a cellphone bill to pay (probably paid by her folks, lets face it) will feel SSOOO reprimanded. Hmph. Sure. I didn't nay-say it though. It'll be a more peaceful weekend without her. I am excited for the summer to start. Partly just to be out of here. I know I need hours but can't bring myself to offer up my services beyond what they ask for. Offer to be there with those people being the only one productive while they drive me crazy with their antics and their inactivity? No I'm good. I had a meeting today, with the lead crew member, manager, and overall manager. So four people - the "leadership team" they call it. I flat out told them that NO ONE respects anyone at that table, let alone each other. Except MAYBE the overall manager. But even then a few have already proven that they respect no one in that shop. I half expect they respect no one at all. I'm getting good at driving in winter conditions. I'm getting to not mind the snow so much. I will be perfectly willing to do another winter season. I think most of my trepidation was to do it alone. Having Chris around helps. I have goals! Real, achievable goals. This summer I should be able to save enough - well, Chris and I combined - save enough to buy an RV. Motor home. Whatever you want to call it. Either a conventional RV/5th wheel/camper or tricking out an old Blue Bird bus or something liek that. Chris is psyched about the idea of tricking out a large vehicle into a custom home. I would LOVE to do that if we had somewhere to park it while we do this work on it. But we don't really have that luxury. Craigslist is an amazing thing however. We've found so many affordable options. Granted none will be available when we go to get ours. But it's proof positive that when that time comes we will find something. THEN! NEXT summer after this one we should together be able to afford our own food truck. Either food truck or tow along thing.... or converted vehicle. Again - Chris really wants to do a custom bit. So do I but I'm not sure how we'll do it. Now I understand what a few of you will say (Mom, Trina) - What if I'm not with Chris that long? Well, then I save two summers now don't I? Winters I've learned aren't really for saving. Their for surviving. No supplied housing, nothing to do but spend money, etc. I get it. BUT if I don't touch the money from the summer and save two in a row I'll be ok. Probably three if it's just me, need starter money for food and stuff. BUT the point is that within five years I should have my own small business. Hopefully within two years. HELL YEAH! I hitched down the hill the other day and rode along with this nice woman who picked me up. We chatted along and she was thoroughly impressed that someone 'so young' had ambition and plans and so forth. Made me sad that it was so impressive for someone of my generation to be motivated and have plans, but on the other hand I was rather proud of myself. I'm going to do it. I look around and see what she's talking about. So many people. My age, older, younger. No plans, no ambitions. Daily grind to survive. Some have families and to me that is ambition - that's a full investment in the future. But so many don't even have that. Just.... surviving. I'm LIVING. I'm going places and doing things and I'm going to own my own small business. And when I have this truck/tow along - I can still travel. I can still go places and see things, but I'll be the one in charge of my future, not the next seasonal gig. I'm super excited for myself and my own long term future. A brick and mortar place seemed unachievable. A food truck I know I can do. And if I want to settle I can settle my truck. Or I can use that reputation to start a brick and mortar. I have options. Also - that was the first time I hitch hiked. Was fun once I got picked up but awkward until then. I put on my best smile and stuck out my thumb each time someone drove by and then waved as they kept on going. But it only took maybe 10 minutes and 5 ish cars. Well, that's my story. Thanks for listening and tune in.... later.... Thanks all ~Cat

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