Hey all,
So I've noticed that for whatever reason, no one leaves me comments. If you would start, just once or twice, if you have something worth commenting, that would be lovely. Then perhaps it'll feel less like I'm talking to a brick wall.
Now, on to the blog, I suppose. Let us see...
I'm fighting off a cold or illness of some sort. All it amounted to was a sore throat and stuffed sinuses. The sore throat is gone, but the stuffed sinuses are being a problem. My amazing roommate, Alliya, got me some Sudafed, though, when she went to Bozeman so I feel much better today.
Buhdda, my co-worker (who's real name is Nick), threw a party at the pub on Thursday. The unofficial (as in "we can't put that on the posters because someone might get offended) theme was "hos and pimps" party. The posters said "Bootyshakers and Moneymakers" So I got dressed up - I don't have ho-ish clothes, but we did our makeup thick and outrageous. Portland Road style, yo. And went and I danced all night. It was so much fun, we left at around 10:30 and I didn't get in until 1:30 or 2 am. I danced with co-workers, with one of my soux chefs Sheryl, Kevin and Lindsay, lots of people. Got offered a beer by one guy I danced with. We were dancing and he was holding FOUR open beers, and he offered me one. It was kind if hilarious. He's another co-worker of mine, Ian. The next day (yesterday) my thighs were sore! Clearly I don't use those muscles much, but dancing all night was so much fun. And yeah, everyone's thinking "Oh GOD!" cuz I can't dance, which is true enough - but no one can really. Once in a while a circle breaks out because someone CAN dance and IS, but generally we're all dancing at the same level. And no one's ashamed or embarrased, we're just having FUN. Total success - Buhdda rocks.
The 3rd of July Michael's visiting. The 3rd to the 6th. I'm so excited. I'm not the bounce-off-walls type so people think it's no big deal, but whatever. They can think what they will.
Oh - Alliya, my amazing roommate... Will no longer be my roommate. She's moving out to move downstairs with two of her friends. No big deal I guess, I mean, I LOVE having her as a roommate, and I'm going to miss having her around all the time... But whatever, such is life, and she's gonna be happy so cool. It's not like we'll never see eachother again. We're still in the same dorm, we eat at the same place, we work at the same place. The biggest worry is who'll replace her. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday are arrival days for new people. I know that even though today is Saturday it doesn't matter because she's not yet completely moved out. I'm hoping to not have one until after Michael leaves. He's staying here with me whether my hypothetical roommate likes it or not, I'm not making him get a super-expensive room at the Inn. I could probably talk to the personnell office about it and get them to hold off for a time. Besides, we have at least two completely empty double rooms here that I know of. Anyway, I'm sure that things will be okay. They can't really go that bad. I mean, I was here first which gives me not only priority but the ear of the RCs. I'm friends with both of them and I get along with the personelle ladies too. If I get a bad roommate, I'll just change it.
Anyway, that's how things are going with me. OH! One more thing...
I've been thinking about this for months - MONTHS. I don't guess I have a real definitive answer as to why - and I know I'll be asked why a lot - but I want to get my right ear pierced. Now I have thought about it all. I want to get it pierced at the top of my right ear in the cartalige. I want to get it pierced while I'm here at Yellowstone kind of as a commemorative thing. It was while I was on this adventure! And no that doesn't mean that I'm going to get something done every time I have an adventure, or by the time I'm 80 I'll be completely pierced and tattooed. I talked to one of my friends, well, I've talked to a lot of them about this... But one of them told me that she believes that piercings and tattoos are kind of strangely addictive, but not in the same way as most things. With piercings and tattoos, they're addictive, but you have a limit. Like, you get a few things done, and you're satisfied. You no longer have the urge to get piercings or tattoos. I kind of believe her. I mean, there are the extremes (as Abigail pointed out to me) that have either no limit or a very large limit, ya know? But most people, most normal peoples have that limit.
My limit, I think, will be this piercing, and ONE tattoo if I ever get one. I've been thinking about it for a while. I kind of want one, but a good meaningful one. I don't want to look back in fifty years and go "yeah that was stupid"... So I think if I get one, it'll be after I get married and because you can't wear a ring in the kitchens I'll get my wedding ring tattooed onto the appropriate finger. Probably in the celtic braid style. I really like the celtic braid look. That would be meaningful and cool and something I could still cover up with a real ring if I want/need to.
It's funny, though, the idea of getting a tattoo partially because of the kitchens. Appropriate, don't you think? And watching Anthony Bordain's No Reservations, when he went to Portland, Oregon, he did note that a LOT of kitchen people have tattoos, and that really Oregonians are the only ones like that... we're just odd I guess. :D I don't mind going with that stereotype or that group or whatever, ya know what I mean? So yeah, that's my limit. I think.
Now that I've told Mom what I want to do, and I know she is cool with it, I'm actually really excited. I've been thinking about it for so long, it'll be sooo cool to actually have it done!! :D
So yeah, this time around, someone should leave me a comment. More than one someone too. Please and thank you!