Monday, August 3, 2009

My ear doesn't even hurt anymore, until I hit/touch it on accident. Sometimes at night I even sleep on it, and it doesn't bother me at all. I woke up this morning having slept on it, and it didn't hurt at all. I am starting to get scabs around it, but that's just healing... People told me it would hurt pretty much two or three weeks constantly, like a constant throb... Nope, about 24 hours. Like, it hurts sometimes at work cuz of the fans blowing wind, the hat, and the temp changes. I can't wait until I can change it out into different things. :D Right now it's just a silver hoop with a silver ball... Kinda boring.
Today and yesterday were my days off, and I was sitting in the EDR eating breakfast and reading and Joe and Shelby walk out. Joe is a prep cook, and Shelby moved to storekeeping (though he's thinking about moving back to pantry!!). Anyway, they come out to take a smoke break and Joe says "Cat, you're in the wrong uniform! You can't come to work in that" and I tell him I'm on my days off, no work for me. And he says "No Cat, haven't you heard? Those like you and me and Shelby, those who actually bust our ass day after day, we don't get days off..." TRUE! But, I'm stealing this one.
Elsa and Wes left this morning early. Vivian and Suzy left yesterday early. Lindsay leaves in about four days. Casey leaves in about fifteen, and Chad in about eighteen. So on one hand it'll be interesting, when most of the tourists leave and it's just a skeleton crew (cuz that's all that's needed) and everything is chill. I've heard good things, and I'm excited for it. Christmas and Halloween in August should be interesting, just to see what they do.
But on the other hand, it's sad, cuz I'll be largely without people to hang out with. Our RCs are going to be here to the end, and I hang with them, but nothing'll be the same, without Wes and Elsa. But I know, life goes on. And truly, there aren't many people that I will probably ever see once we leave. Elsa, Wes, and Vivian are three of those I'm going to try to see, so it could be worse. I'll see them again.
Anyway, this is my blog. I'm alive, if tired and kind of bored. So yes, that's that. I've been trying to get pictures up but our internet is too sucky. So in October, you'll be FLOODED with pics when I can finally get them all up.

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